Motor Vehicle Accidents
Each type of vehicular accident or motor vehicle collision presents a specific legal case. Defending your rights as a victim of an accident which was not caused by you requires a specific preparation. At Shore Dombrowsky Law Firm, PC we prepare your personal injury case based on the specific type of vehicular collision: auto, motorcycle, truck, boat, or even aviation. This assures you that the particulars of your case are taken into real consideration, with a view to help the courts and the jurors fully understand how the collision happened, how it wasn’t your fault, what should have been done to avoid it, and how you and/or your family were injured in the vehicle you were driving, riding or piloting.
Discover below how we approach each personal injury case based on the type of accident involved.

Auto Accidents

Recovering from a serious car accident is a difficult undertaking – our job is to get you the money you need for medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses so that you can focus all of your time and energy on healing. A serious auto accident can impact many areas of your life. Your car may not be drivable, requiring costly repairs. You may have serious medical bills to pay, and your injuries may prevent you from working while you recover.
All too often, insurance companies take their time with your claim, unfairly attempt to reduce your compensation, or even deny your claim outright. We have handled many auto accident claims, and we will provide you with assistance on every aspect of your case to ensure you receive the medical treatment and financial compensation necessary to fully recover from your injuries.
When you choose Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC you have by your side a law firm dedicated to protecting your interests. When an insurance company goes to great lengths to limit the amount of money they have to pay for your injuries, we have the experience to battle them and ensure you receive the settlement you deserve.
Our auto accident lawyers thoroughly investigates the accident in order to prove that the other driver was at fault. If your accident was caused by a defective automobile, we will make sure that the vehicle manufacturer is held responsible for your injuries.
Please contact Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC early on to schedule your complimentary initial consultation.
Trucking Collisions

Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC is here to help you. We will provide you with assistance on every aspect of your claim so that you can focus on getting better. We have the skills and experience to battle with the trucking company’s insurance carrier to ensure that you receive a fair settlement which covers all of your damages.
Trucking collisions occur all too often as a result of driver error or inadequate truck driver training. Approximately one quarter of all truck collisions are the result of avoidable driver error. Many trucking companies place pressure on drivers to put in long hours in an attempt to maximize profits. Safety is often sacrificed in the process resulting in often catastrophic injuries.
Some of the other causes of trucking collisions are excessive or imbalanced loads, reckless driving, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, poor maintenance of the vehicle, driver inexperience, and failure to see other vehicles in the truck’s blind spot.
Due to the large size and weight of trucks, injuries tend to be more catastrophic than those suffered in auto accidents. These injuries can include brain injury, spinal cord injury, broken bones, neck and back injuries, paralysis and death.
While you should report the truck accident to your insurance company, never give a written or verbal statement regarding the details of the accident to an insurance agent until you consult with an attorney. Often, insurance companies will try to get you to provide a statement which admits fault or limits their liability. By consulting with a lawyer first, you will ensure that your compensation is not unfairly reduced.
Contact Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC early on to schedule your complimentary initial consultation.
Motorcycle Collisions

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that in 2021, there were 5,932 motorcyclists killed — 14% of all traffic fatalities. year after year, close to 100,000 non-fatal motorcycle accident-related injuries are reported to the agency.
The most common injuries associated with motorcycle accidents are:
- Road rash
- Broken limbs
- Neck and spinal cord injury
- Traumatic brain injury
- Severe bleeding
If you or a family member has been injured in a motorcycle collision, call Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC early on. if we can take the case, we will help you receive the compensation you need and deserve.
Boating Collisions

The most common causes of boating accidents include driver inattention, driver inexperience, speeding, and driving while intoxicated.
At Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC we do all we can to protect innocent boaters who are hurt by the negligence of another. If you or a loved one have suffered severe or debilitating injuries following a boating accident, contact us early on to discuss the case.