At Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC we work hard to protect your rights if you have suffered physically, emotionally, or financially due to the negligent actions of another. If you have been seriously injured due to someone else’s negligence we can help you receive the compensation you deserve.

Catastrophic Injuries
A catastrophic injury can have permanent effects, and can change your life, and the lives of your family, forever. Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC will help you fight for the damages you have suffered, and deserve to be compensated for in the aftermath of a catastrophic injury. There are different types of damages that you may be entitled to. We can help ensure that you get all of the damages you deserve.
Following your injury you should be focused on healing. Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC concentrates on getting you the compensation you deserve.
Brain Injuries
Brain injuries are one type of catastrophic injury. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects one or more areas of your brain. It can lead to impaired memory and problems with vision, emotions, communication, and physical movement. Even seemingly minor brain injuries can create long-term problems.
Spinal Cord Injury
A spinal cord injury is caused by damage to your spinal cord that often results in a loss of function. Your spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that travels from your brain, inside your vertebrae, down your neck and back. It carries sensory impulses to your brain and commands from the brain that control your movements.
Your vertebrae cover and protect your spinal cord, but physical trauma to your neck, back or skull can injure the spinal cord or its ability ot function properly. The result is a loss of feeling and/or mobility. The damage can be temporary, but in an unfortunate number of cases, it is permanent.
The leading causes of spinal cord injury are:
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Slip and fall injuries
- Violence
- Sports injuries
Burn Injuries
A burn injury can be catastrophic. Often, burn injuries require hospitalization and long term treatment. Physical disfigurement resulting from burn injuries can also lead to severe emotional damage, requiring counseling or other mental health services to help cope.
If you have suffered a catastrophic injury caused by the negligence of another individual, please contact us today to schedule a complimentary initial consultation.
Wrongful Death
A wrongful death case is when someone dies due to the negligence of another. In Arizona, a parent, spouse or child are the only people who can bring the wrongful death claim. At Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC, we are dedicated to ensuring you are fully compensated for your loss.
What is Wrongful Death?
A wrongful death is a situation that occurs when a preventable death was a direct result of someone else’s negligent action, or failure to take action. A wrongful death claim can be brought against a number of different people in a variety of situations.
Wrongful death claims include every type of accidental death, regardless of the specific cause. Some common causes for a wrongful death include:
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Medical malpractice
- Defective drugs
- Nursing home neglect and abuse
- Animal attacks including dog bites
- Work-related accidents
- Premises liability
If you have lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence, contact Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC to schedule a complimentary initial consultation.
Motor Vehicle Collisions
When you have been involved in a motor vehicle collision there is a lot to deal with:
- Medical expenses
- Repairs to your vehicle
- Negotiations with the insurance company
- Lost earnings or wages
- Liens or reimbursement claims from health care providers on your recovery
Insurance companies are more interested in their profits then in your claim, even if it is your own insurance carrier. Paying a premium to an insurance company does not mean your interests are not adverse to theirs. It is important to work with an experienced attorney who can help you through the daunting process of recovery, so that you can get fairly compensated.
Experienced Attorney
Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC can help you through this painful process. We can help you find skilled doctors who can provide you with the medical treatment you need. Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC will deal with the insurance company, making sure they do not take advantage of you. We have decades of experience battling insurance companies, and we have the skills to get you the settlement you deserve.
At Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC, we understand the hardships you and your family are facing. We will provide you with sound legal guidance and compassionate representation in order to help you move on with your life. While you are focused on recovering from your injuries, we will make sure you receive the compensation you deserve.
We provide high quality legal representation for the following types of motor vehicle accidents:
- Auto accidents
- Truck accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Aviation accidents
- Boating accidents
Contact Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC for a complimentary consultation immediately after any motor vehicle collision.
Auto Collisions
The negligence of another driver can turn your life upside down. Often the victim is victimized again by the insurance company. Recovering from a serious car accident is a difficult undertaking – our job is to get you the money you need for medical bills, lost wages, as well as the other damages you experience, such as pain, lifestyle changes, fear, anxiety etc., so that you can focus all of your time and energy on healing.
An auto accident can impact many areas of your life. Your car may not be driveable, requiring costly repairs. You may have serious medical bills to pay, and your injuries may prevent you from working while you recover. Often, insurance companies take their time with your claim, unfairly attempting to reduce your compensation, or even deny your claim outright. Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC has handled thousands of auto accident claims, and we will provide you with assistance on every aspect of your case to ensure you receive the compensation necessary to fully compensate you for your damages.
When you choose Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC, you will have the resources and experience of a law firm who works to protect your interests. Often, insurance companies will go to great lengths to limit the amount of money they will pay you for your injuries. Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC has the experience to battle insurance companies, ensuring you receive the settlement you deserve. We will thoroughly investigate the collision in order to hold all negligent person(s) responsible.
If you or someone you love has been injured in an automobile collision, Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC can help you receive the compensation you deserve.
Truck Collisions
There are a variety of reasons truck collisions can occur. Unfortunately, all too often, they are the result of driver error or inadequate truck driver training.
Many trucking companies place pressure on drivers to put in long hours in an attempt to maximize profits, sacrificing safety in the process.
Other causes of truck accidents include:
- Excessive or imbalanced loads on trucks
- Reckless driving
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Poor maintenance of the vehicle
- Driver inexperience
- Failure to see other vehicles in the truck’s blind spot
Due to the large size and weight of trucks, injuries can be very catastrophic. These include:
- Brain injury
- Spinal cord injury
- Broken bones
- Neck and back injuries
- Paralysis
- Death
If you or someone you love has been injured in a trucking collision, Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC can help you receive the compensation you deserve.
Motorcycle Collisions
Motorcycles have gained popularity among consumers because of rising gas prices. Because of their size, motorcycles and their riders often do not get the respect they deserve on the road. Many drivers overlook them, and do not understand that motorcycle drivers have the same rights to the road as other automobiles. This leads to an increase in collisions. Tragically, many of these motorcycle accidents leave the victims severely injured, paralyzed, or fatally wounded.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that there were almost 6000 motorcycle fatalities in the year 2008. There were also close to 100,000 non-fatal motorcycle accident-related injuries. This number has continued to rise for 11 consecutive years. Approximately half of these fatal accidents involved another vehicle.
The most common injuries associated with motorcycle accidents are:
- Road rash
- Broken limbs
- Neck and spinal cord injury
- Traumatic brain injury
- Severe bleeding
Avoiding Motorcycle Accidents
As a motorcycle driver, there are a few things that you can do to avoid accidents, such as:
- Remember that you can often be hidden in car or truck driver’s blind spot. Be careful to avoid riding in this blind spot whenever possible.
- Always wear the appropriate protective gear, including a helmet. It is even better if your gear is in a bright color that can easily be seen.
- Remember to use your turn signal when taking turns or changing lanes.
- Avoid riding in and out of cars when stopped in traffic.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a motorcycle collision, Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC can help you receive the compensation you deserve.
Premise Liability

Various types of premise liability:
- Slip and fall accidents
- Sidewalk trip and falls
- Inadequate security
- Elevator or escalator injuries
- Amusement park accidents
- Swimming pool injuries
- Inadequate property maintenance
- Animal attacks (dog bites)
- Injuries arising in restaurants or stores
- Elevator or escalator)accidents
- Ice or snow accidents
- Ceiling collapse
- Defective stairways
- Negligent security
- Fire safety and building code violations
- Inadequate lighting
- Supermarket accidents
Property owners have a duty to provide a reasonably safe environment for any individual who comes onto their premises. If you or a loved one is injured because a property owner or a business owner failed to provide a reasonably safe environment, you may have a valid premises liability injury claim and may be able to collect damages incurred due to your injury.
Contact Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC for a complimentary consultation.
Dog Bites
Each year, an estimated 800,000 people in the US are injured by a dog bite requiring medical attention. Sadly, a large number of these victims are children, and sometimes the attack results in death. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a dog bite injury, you may be entitled to receive compensation for your damages. Shore Dombrowski Law Firm, PC is here to make sure your rights are protected.
Dog Bite Liability and Injuries
In Arizona the owner of the dog is responsible for the attack. Even a landlord may be liable if they had previous knowledge of the dog’s tendency towards aggression.
Dog bite attacks can result in serious injury. The most common injuries associated with dog bites are:
- Skin lacerations
- Puncture wounds
- Crushed or broken bones
- Infections from rabies and other diseases the dog may carry
- Loss of tissue
- Nerve damage, especially if the bite was to the face
- Emotional scarring
The emotional scarring of an animal attack can be severe. While some may be able to move on from the event, other victims, adults and children alike, may be forever terrified of dogs and have repeated flashbacks to their attack. This type of mental distress is difficult to overcome and can be debilitating to some people.
Please contact us today to schedule a complimentary initial consultation.